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About us
1. Our company has been founded in 2002.
2. We are Alibaba "Gold supplier"
3. Factories producing our products are located in Zhejiang province.
4. We supply customers in more than 100 countries.
Countries with Zones
Afghanistan 5 | East Timor 2 | Lebanon 5 | Puerto Rico 6 |
Albania 5 | Ecuador 6 | Lesotho 6 | Qatar 5 |
Algeria 6 | Egypt 5 | Liberia 6 | Romania 5 |
Andorra 4 | El Salvador 6 | Libya 6 | Russia 6 |
Angola 6 | Equatorial Guinea 6 | Liechtenstein 4 | Rwanda 6 |
Argentina 6 | Eritrea 6 | Lithuania 5 | San Marino 4 |
Armenia 5 | Estonia 5 | Luxembourg 4 | Saudi Arabia 5 |
Australia 2 | Ethiopia 6 | Macedonia 5 | Senegal 6 |
Austria 4 | Fiji 2 | Madagascar 6 | Serbia and Montenegro 5 |
Azerbaijan 5 | Finland 4 | Malaysia 1 | Seychelles 6 |
Bahamas 6 | France 4 | Maldives X | Siera Leone 6 |
Bahrain 5 | Gabon 6 | Mali 6 | Singapore 1 |
Bangladesh X | Gambia 6 | Malta 4 | Slovakia 5 |
Barbados 6 | Georgia 5 | Martinique 6 | Slovenia 5 |
Belarus 5 | Germany 4 | Mauritania 6 | Somalia 6 |
Belgium 4 | Ghana 6 | Mauritius 6 | South Africa 5 |
Belize 6 | Greece 4 | Mexico X | Spain 4 |
Benin 6 | Greenland 4 | Micronesia X | Sri Lanka X |
Bermuda 6 | Grenada 6 | Mlawi 6 | Sudan 6 |
Bhutan X | Guatemala 6 | Moldova 5 | Suriname 6 |
Bolivia 6 | Guinea 6 | Monaco 4 | Swaziland 6 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina 5 | Guyana 6 | Mongolia 6 | Sweden 4 |
Botswana 6 | Haiti 6 | Morocco 6 | Switzerland 4 |
Brazil 6 | Honduras 6 | Mozambique 6 | Syrian Arab Republic 5 |
Brunei 1 | Hungary 5 | Myanmar X | Taiwan 1 |
Bulgaria 5 | Iceland 4 | Namibia 6 | Tajikistan 6 |
Burkina Faso 6 | India 4 | Nauru 6 | Tanzania 6 |
Burundi 6 | Indonesia 1 | Nepal X | Thailand 1 |
Cambodia 1 | Iran 5 | Netherlands 4 | Togo 6 |
Cameroon 6 | Iraq 5 | New Caledonia 2 | Tongo 2 |
Canada 3 | Ireland 4 | New Zealand 2 | Tunisia 6 |
Cape Verde 6 | Israel X | Nicaragua 6 | Turkey 4 |
Cayman Islands 6 | Italy 4 | Niger 6 | Turkmenistan 6 |
Central African Republic 6 | Ivory Coast 6 | Nigeria 6 | Uganda 6 |
Chad 6 | Jamaica 6 | Norway 4 | Ukraine 5 |
Chile 6 | Japan 1 | Oman 5 | United Arab Emirates X |
Colombia 6 | Jordan 5 | Pakistan X | United Kingdom 4 |
Congo (Zaire) 6 | Kazakhstan 6 | Palestine 5 | United States 3 |
Costa Rica 6 | Kenya 6 | Panama 6 | Uruguay 6 |
Croatia 5 | Kirbati 2 | Papua N.G. 2 | Uzbekistan 6 |
Cuba 6 | Kirghizia (Kyrgyzstan) 6 | Paraguay 6 | Venezuela 6 |
Cyprus X | Korea 1 | Peru 6 | Vietnam 1 |
Czech Republic 5 | Kuwait 5 | Philippines 1 | Yemen 5 |
Denmark 4 | Laos 1 | Poland 5 | Zambia 6 |
Dominica Republic 6 | Latvia 5 | Portugal 4 | Zimbabwe 6 |